Provision of Emergency Hand Washing Service to Help Poor Slum Dwellers in Bangladesh Fight Against COVID-19 in Chattogram City

In order to help people in the pandemic situation, this project implemented.

Implemented Places Reached Population Budget Donor Duration
2, 7, 9, 13, 29, 30, 35 and 37 of Chattogram City Corporation 64,301 BDT 64,06,658 Water Aid 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020


  • The target community received 41 hand washing devices and 1200 households received hygiene kits (12000 soaps and 36000 masks), 3275 pairs hand gloves and 9825 pieces of masks.
  •  This project disinfected the targeted slum areas, slum-based toilets and water points.
  • This project distributed 2485 kg bleaching powder and 6509 kg detergents.
  • It produced banner, Covid-19 awareness message boards and sticker.