DSK Hospital-Dhaka
The DSK Dhaka hospital is registered with the Directorate General of Health Services. Hospital infrastructure facilities include: emergency, outdoor, indoor, two operating theaters with modern equipment, an emergency operation theater, and a post-operative room. Diagnostics include a pathological laboratory, X-ray, ECG, Ultrasonography, Echocardiography, Color Doppler and 24/7 ambulance service. There are forty one (41) trained, dedicated staff who are engaged in running the hospital. A regular specialist internist and six medical officers run the day-to-day services of the hospital. In addition, about 50 specialist doctors with experience in various fields are involved in the medical services of the hospital, provide private consultation service in the hospital, refer patients, consult patients at the indoor, and perform surgery. The hospital provides multi-disciplinary services. In the fiscal year 2020-2021, a total of 4,358 patients visited the hospital. Out of the above, 1,355 were indoor patients and 2,094 were consulted at the outdoor. 932 major, intermediate and minor operations were performed. During the last year, the planned normal activity of the hospital was disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. DSK had to manage the hospital-work by facing various adversities caused by the C-19 pandemic.
Covid-19 Test (RT-PCR Test)
During the C-19 pandemic in 2020, DSK Hospital entered into a contract with a government approved laboratory (DNA Solutions) to provide rt-pcr test on a reliable basis. DSK Lab collected samples and sent them to DNA Solutions, DNA Solutions conveyed the results online after testing. In this process, during the bygone period, DSK collected samples from 81 patients (39 from home and 42 from the DSK Lab). Apart from that, DSK referred patients to nearby rt-pcr collection center managed by BRAC. DSK also provided sample collection service from home.
Oxygen support project for Covid patients treated at home
During this period, Dhaka DSK Hospital implemented an emergency project for a period of six months with financial assistance from Social Services and Management Trust (SSMT). Main activity was to provide Oxygen to COVID patients undergoing treatment at home. For this project, a team of experienced hospital staff was formed, and ambulance-service was added to the work of the project. DSK team rushed to the site as soon as call had been received by DSK hospital. Apart from Oxygen supply, some basic medicines, such as paracetamol, hand sanitizers
and masks were distributed by DSK. A total of thirty (30) Oxygen cylinders were used for this purpose, out of which fifteen Oxygen cylinders were purchased under this project as supplies, eleven belong to DSK hospital and remaining four were donated by Four Philanthropists. Through this roject, 115 COVID patients have been provided Oxygen support for 1,048 days. Considering the Covid-19 emergencies, DSK hospital has been equipped with central Oxygen supply. In addition to the above, two high-flow nasal cannulas have been purchased. Through this, DSK hospital is now fully prepared to provide Oxygen therapy to any patient as per specific need.