Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)
Dushtha Shasthya Kendra (DSK) is implementing Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP) under the supervision of PKSF. Project funding is coming from the World Bank. This project works with the microenterprises making leather products. The purpose of the project is to introduce income-generating opportunities for the targeted group-based microenterprises or small businesses. Above is being done through investment in activities that are resource and market-efficient, creates low pollution and are environmentally sound. The project assistance provides necessary technical assistance to enter the larger market through production of environmentally sound and high-quality products and services. This project consists of 5 employees (1 female, 4 male).

DSK SEP staff participated in an exposure trip to the POPI SEP project in Kishoreganj and posed for a group photo
Implemented places | Target Population | Reached Members | Loan disbursement | Duration | Budget |
Jatrabari, Jurain, Siddhirganj and Fatullah | 200 | 89 | loan disbursement among 82 microenterprises amounting to BDT 91, 80,000 | July 2021 to June 2023 | 6 crore 64 lac |
2021 Fiscal Year
- Microenterprises received product certification, business certification and skill development training.
- Microenterprises received environmental orientation.
- Microenterprises participated in exchange visit in POPI SEP project in Kishoreganj.
- SEP team organizes environmental meeting in every month where microenterprises get motivated regarding making the factory environment friendly.
- SEP team distributed leaflet, posters & brochures among microenterprises for awareness raising purpose in regard to environment friendly factory made.