Unite for Body Rights (UBR)
Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and Services Project
This project started in 2011 and continued till 2019. It was funded by the Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Bangladesh, along with the technical supports from Rutgers & SIMAVI of Dutch SRHR Alliance. The Unite for Body Rights (UBR) Program was implemented in Durgapur of Netrokona and Maddhyanagar, Dharampasha of Sunamgonj. The students and out of school children and youth aged 10 to 24 were the main target group of this project.
Coverage |
Sunamganj | Netrakona | Madhyanagar |

The overall objective of the program was, “Through facilitating Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Youth Friendly Services (YFS)all young people, living in poor rural and (semi) urban areas in selected sub-districts, irrespective of their age, gender, social background or sexual preference know their rights, make informed decisions about their sexual reproductive health and have access to high quality, youth-friendly sexual reproductive health services within a supportive socio-cultural and political environment.”
- School Management Committee members, teachers, and 20,719 youth received training on SRHR & related services where 60 Student alumni formed to support SRHR in the school environment. Along with teachers, students also were trained on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE).
- 10 schools adapted the Whole School Approach (WSA) as the gender-sensitive school.
- 30 Youth Corners integrated into the schools.