Vision, Mission and Objective

Vision: DSK seeks a country of social justice, where poverty has been overcome, and people live in dignity and security. DSK aims to be a partner of choice within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty.
Mission: DSK aims at building strong community-based organizations (CBOs) that will eventually be able to plan, prioritize and implement their own development programs through the mobilization of the following combination of resources:
- Family and community
- Government
- Donor agencies
- Concerned civil society

Goal and Objectives:
The DSK will strengthen the spirit of the liberation war, universal humanitarian values and culture. DSK aims at building a strong community organization that would eventually be able to plan, prioritize and implement its development programs through mobilization of its resources and resources of the government and society upon which they have a legitimate claim. According to the DSK Constitution, following are the specific objectives of DSK:
- Public health, primary health care, hospital services and family welfare activities.
- Education and training programs for boys, girls, dropouts, youths and adults.
- Various employment-generating and socio-economic developmental activities, access to microfinance, social business and modern technology-based activities to facilitate their economic self-reliance.
- Acceptance of grants/loans from government, Banks, companies and other financial institutions and national and international organizations.
- Water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene education programs.
- Natural disasters, man-made disasters, climate change and disaster-risk-reduction activities.
- Institutional and social initiatives shall be encouraged and public awareness to be raised.
- Strengthening and empowerment of community-based organizations.
- Processes to improve quality of life and promotion and advocacy for establishing rights of the poor and disadvantaged.
- Household support.
- Increasing public awareness about the role of institutional, social, local government and local service providers in the development-process and to facilitate a collaborative approach.
- Taking initiatives for employment of unemployed youth.
- Use different publications and social media (such as Facebook, YouTube, videos, websites and other platforms) to raise public awareness on DSK activities.
- Creation of fraternal relations with different national and international, social and humanitarian organizations to strengthen the organization’s activities.
- Taking other complementary steps to advance all the objectives of the organization.